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Data Repair Tools Article | Fix Outlook Inbox Repair Tool does not recognize the file

Fix Outlook Inbox Repair Tool does not recognize the file

Email | 4 min read| Brayden Mitchell | Updated On - January 31, 2023

Inbox Repair Utility – An inbuilt functionary in Outlook package which is responsible for fixing the PST issues sometimes fail to rescue the concerned files. Yes, it may not work as per your expectations as it too has some limitations for repair. However, in some cases where the PST file corruption is not so severe, the Inbox Utility works well and up to the expectations.

Expert Recommended: Methods to Repair Corrupt PST File Manually

Didn’t try Inbox Repair Tool Yet? Get it done

Depending upon the version of MS Outlook the location of scanpst tool differs. Thus, it is necessary to have knowledge of the MS Outlook version being used.

Once you have navigated the location of the Scanpst tool, it is the time to run it.

  1. Launch the inbuilt Scanpst utility.
  2. Open the concerned PST files in this using the Browse option, go to the default location if you have not shifted to anywhere else –
    C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Outlook Files\
    And hit ‘Start’ button to initiate the process. Depending upon the file size the time can be taken accordingly.
  3. Once the scan gets complete, it would display the errors and details (if any). You can select the checkbox to create a backup copy of the added Outlook PST file and then click on ‘Repair’ button to fix the affected file. Click ‘OK’ when the repair process gets complete.

Understanding Disparities of Inbox Repair Tool

When you connect to the Exchange Server and check the Outlook files for any errors, then inbox repair tool is used. It is this tool which is also known as scanpst.exe and scanost.exe. With change in technology the Scanost tool was upheld by Microsoft and the support for scanpst is also limited.

Due to sophisticated level of corruption sometimes the inbuilt repair utility acts wired and displays the message like


Once such error message flashes, it is clear that the entire scenario is created by the corrupted file. Even the basic repair cannot be performed by the tool at this stage. To an extent some other factors are also accountable, like:

So, when we know that the inbuilt utility won’t work anymore and there is an urgent need of a reasonable solution, then there is only one option left to exercise – Taking assistance from third-party tool.

Bridging Gap between the Issue and the Perfect Solution

When an inbuilt utility fails to provide an incumbent solution, then it is professionally advised to install a reliable third-party tool like PST Repair Tool. Such tools are built with advanced algorithms which are designed to perform even in worst scenarios (like complete devastation of files in external influence).

The best part of taking assistance from such tool is the guaranteed repair of the affected PST files and other saving options that make life of professionals much better than ever.

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